Site Description: The property lies within the three conservation areas of Sutherland Sq, Walworth Road and Liverpool Grove and there are several Grade 2 Listed Buildings in the square. The terraces were built on the site of Montpellier gardens in the 1850s.
The 3-4 storey terraces back on to each other and so the proximity of any extension to the amenity of adjoining properties needed to be considered in terms of impact of privacy and daylight. The house built on the site of Montpellier gardens in the 1850s, sits within a terrace to the south of the Sutherland Square, but alongside a combination of Georgian, Victorian, 60s and 90s buildings.
Proposal: Construction of first floor rear extension and alterations to the existing layout to a three storey, mid terrace single family dwelling house.
The extension has now been completed. RIBA Stages 0-3